Benny Button

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Recharge Well


There has been a rise in stress and mental health challenges in our work and lives in recent times. Burnout risk is high and now officially recognised by the World Health Organisation.

How people recover and show up is critical for the future success and sustainable productivity of your teams and your organisation. When investing time in recovery it’s important that people consider doing the things that will recharge and rejuvenate them - not what will put their wellbeing and health at greater risk.

We designed an experience to inspire people to learn about and decide what micro and macro recovery can look like in their work and life routine.


Key outcomes people walk away with include:

  • A practical 3-part approach: Recharge (Charge the battery), Conserve (Reduce the waste), and Invest (Win-Win energy exchange)
  • Vital wellbeing tips backed by science, timely exercises, restorative routines, and even some playful practices
  • How we need to switch our stress alarm system to ‘All Clear’ to aid our recovery
  • What it takes to be feeling and functioning well in preparation for transitions ahead - change, hybrid work, peak work periods
  • How engaging in things that are fulfilling and meaningful yields significant ROI
  • How to reset and restore a sense of balance

Recommended Duration

60 to 120 minutes