Benny Button

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How to move more when you have no more time

So how is this possible? Prior to working at Benny Button, as a senior leader at General Mills I would find myself in meetings for most of the day and when not at work, busy looking after my family. So I needed to find a way to integrate movement into my day, rather than thinking about it as an add on. I needed a practical approach that included my team mates and my family.

Walking Meetings

Now, if you can relate, what are some practical tips you could implement too? First, schedule as many walking meetings as you can. Sure some meetings don’t lend themselves to a walk but many do, my team would often receive a text from me the night before “don’t forget your walking shoes” and at the end of a meeting would return not only having had a productive discussion but enjoying some fresh air, awakening the mind and getting the body moving. Added plus, you have also helped a teammate overcome the barrier of work getting in the way of movement.

Incidental Exercise

Next, use stairs as much as you can and avoid the lift as much as possible, if you’re working from home don’t forget to get up and move at regular intervals and try to fit in a lunchtime walk. 20 minutes is all you need.

Outside of work

Moving to outside work, for me the idea of a long peaceful walk is just not reality but what I can do is commit to moving every morning for a home workout while my kids are just waking up, making movement a family outing and walking/riding as much as we can. This becomes a way of life and a great way for kids to learn a love of movement too. The hidden benefit of this, is connection. I just love the conversations I have with my kids and the things we all learn on a walk. It’s precious time and to me means so much more than just moving.

So think about tomorrow, what are you doing and where will you be? If your goal is to move more, what are the simple steps you’ll take now? Will you walk instead of drive? Get up 15 mins earlier for some resistance exercise? Go through your diary and think about what meetings you could turn into a walk and talk? Before you know its these tiny habits that will become part of your life!

For some further inspiration, here’s some habits that leaders in our Benny Button community follow -

“I schedule a walk in my calendar every week day, it doesn’t happen every time but I start with that. If I have a clash, I dial in or make those phone calls while working and I think I hit it about 80% of the time which is 80% more than I would do by not scheduling it.”

“Get out of bed earlier to meditate and move; start day right and reward with coffee!”

“I often do stretches when I’m on calls to promote better neck and shoulder movement, lower back/rotational stretches and even hip flexor if I’ve been sitting for long periods of time. On my way home from work, I try to find a car space at the supermarket furthest from the entry instead of closest to increase incremental steps for the day”

“I have also embraced “walk’n’talk” each day, some have more opportunities than others. I am also back in the office 3 days a week, so the internal stairs get more of a work-out”

“I am loving the 45-minute high intensity sessions at the gym- I can be home in just over an hour and still feel like I’ve had a good workout”

We’d love to hear what action you take. Send us an update