Benny Button

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Bullying - Recognise, Respond, Recover


This session will: Although bullying is a term that has certain parameters and criteria, it’s perhaps even more important to empathise with the feeling of being bullied. People often use the term bullying to describe the feelings associated with experiencing or witnessing inappropriate or unfair behaviours in the workplace.

It is helpful for people to address feelings of bullying by better identifying types of inappropriate behaviour that can manifest as these feelings. When people can more clearly and confidently identify and express their feelings and the behaviours associated with them, there can be better reporting, dialogue and intervention.

Establishing an environment where it is safe to surface, discuss, and address inappropriate workplace behaviours - from victims to witnesses to the whole community - will strengthen psychological safety in the workplace.

What the session will cover

Key areas this workshop will cover include: What is bullying & incivility?

  • What is bullying & victimisation?
  • What is incivility & injustice?
  • What does it look like in a workplace context

How can it happen in the workplace?

  • Examples of how & why bullying emerges & persists in the workplace
  • Psychosocial risk factors associated with bullying & incivility

How to respond?

  • Putting a name to bullying that is taking place
  • Language for better identification & dialogue
  • Positive steps to take for self, in teams, with leaders & key support resources / services

Recommended Duration

60 to 120 minutes